There are a few things that annoy me, I'll be honest there are actually a lot, but lets just pretend that there is only a few for this blog post alone.
One of the major things that bug me is spelling. Now i have as crappy spelling as the next person, I'm not talking good spelling, I'm talking spelling ACTUAL words. I am so so so so so so sick of things like this:
My BaBiii MaYA"z B'day MwaHz.... =p
I understand My and B'day, but apart from that, I'm a little WTF?!?!
What has come to the world when this is the spelling that people think is acceptable? No, seriously, what the HELL does it mean...?!?!?!
I again, want to point out that there is a difference between spelling something incorrectly, and doing that.
Please world, learn that Baby is spelt with a Y and not 16 I's.
Learn that a Z can not be put in places where a S should belong.
AND if your word doesn't show up in spell check, its because you are an idiot. (unless its meh, and then spell check is the idiot.)
And i am done.
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