At the moment, there is a big hoopla about Kyle Sandilands and his radio show
Now, i hate that I'm writing this, cause personally, i can't stand either him, nor her (Jackie O), but i have an opinion and the way the media is bringing this story is killing me!!
Now, a short run down on the dets...
Kyle and Jackie have a BREAKFAST radio show. They were also the hosts of Big Brother for one season before it got canned. Kyle 'was' also a judge on Australian Idol. (Jackie O did some other stuff too, but she is of little importance').
**Note, neither of them are counsellors or claim to be.**
So, breakfast radio here consists of each station trying to out do each other in terms of WOW factor, and scandlousness.(Yep, that's totally a word).
Honestly, i haven't really listened to breakfast radio since i was at school (7 years, gosh I'm old), so i only hear the excerpts of which they play through out the day.
But i have heard nothing except this for the last few days and now I am adding to this. Sigh.
So the segment was a lie detector test segment. Pretty basic right?
The subject (is that the right word?) of the lie detector test was a 14 year old girl.
The giver of the questions was her mother. ~~~Remember this part!
Kyle and Jackie O were there to comment, i guess.
Now, i didn't hear the segment at the time, just excerpts of it for the first day or so, but i have listened to the whole thing now.
I don't know, if Kyle or Jackie O knew what questions the child's mother were
going to ask or not.
This is what happened:

Now, lets make it clear.
Her MOTHER asked her the question.
Her MOTHER was smiling and thought it was funny.
Her MOTHER knew she was raped. Both Kyle, Jackie O and the producers are saying that they did not know about the rape.
Yes, i think it is pretty silly to be asking a 14 year old about her sexual experience, cause in my opinion, 14 year old should not be having sex, however, that's not the point here. At least not the point in my opinion.
Yes, again, i think that Kyle may have said the wrong thing right after the comment, however, as i said earlier, neither of them (himself or Jackie) are counsellors or claim to be.
They are radio announcers and did what they needed to, to make sure there was not silence.
While i think maybe that last line is a bit hmmmm, i have to agree with him.
The child's mother has barely been mentioned in this fiasco.
Nor has Jackie O.
The media has jumped on this story and jumped on Kyle because he has this 'bad boy image'.
And no matter what the issue they have with him, that should not have happened.
Kyle has been dropped as a judge of Australian Idol for the controversy this issue has caused, not for the comment he made.
The Kyle and Jackie O show has been put on 'recess' for a week, (so far, although
this article says differently...)
The following companies have dropped there sponsorship of 2day FM:
Amercian Express
Channel 10
I don't doubt these will be the only ones that will drop their sponsorship, because of the backlash that is currently happening. And that makes me really sad.
If you want to listen to the audio, check out
this article, they have a link to the audio.
Now, i feel sick thinking about this poor child and not only what she had gone through on the radio, but what had happened to her, and that she hadn't gotten ANY COUNSELLING OR ANY HELP AT ALL until this point.
The producers of the show have organised counselling for this poor child.
DOCS have also become involved.
This whole thing and the media circus that it has been created into, just makes me sad.
Here is a transcription of the incident.
The on-air exchange that started it all
JACKIE O: What's your worst fear, is it the sex, is it the lying, the possibility of doing drugs, smoking?
MOTHER: Drugs and sex and older boys
JACKIE O: Has she (the 14-year-old daughter) told you she's had sex before or do you think she's a virgin?
MOTHER: I think she might have had sex before.
JACKIE O: Right. But she hasn't said anything?
JACKIE O: (Laughs) Alright we have her (the daughter) hooked up to the lie detector!
KYLE: Ohhhh!
JACKIE O: She's not happy! I just saw her listening to that replay!
KYLE: How are you (name)?
DAUGHTER: I'm scared!
MOTHER: Have you had sex?
DAUGHTER: I've already told you about this and don't look at me and smile because it's not funny! (Pause) Oh, OK! I got raped when I was 12-years-old!
(Silence) KYLE: Right. And is that the only experience you've had?
MOTHER: I only found out about that a couple of months ago. Yes, I knew about that.
DAUGHTER: And yet you still asked me the question.
MOTHER: The question was, have you had sex, other than that?The on-air exchange that started it all
JACKIE O: What's your worst fear, is it the sex, is it the lying, the possibility of doing drugs, smoking?
MOTHER: Drugs and sex and older boys
JACKIE O: Has she (the 14-year-old daughter) told you she's had sex before or do you think she's a virgin?
MOTHER: I think she might have had sex before.
JACKIE O: Right. But she hasn't said anything?
JACKIE O: (Laughs) Alright we have her (the daughter) hooked up to the lie detector!
KYLE: Ohhhh!
JACKIE O: She's not happy! I just saw her listening to that replay!
KYLE: How are you (name)?
DAUGHTER: I'm scared!
MOTHER: Have you had sex?
DAUGHTER: I've already told you about this and don't look at me and smile because it's not funny! (Pause) Oh, OK! I got raped when I was 12-years-old!
(Silence) KYLE: Right. And is that the only experience you've had?
MOTHER: I only found out about that a couple of months ago. Yes, I knew about that.
DAUGHTER: And yet you still asked me the question.
MOTHER: The question was, have you had sex, other than that?
If you are a victim of, or want to report a rape, you can call 1800 424 017 or get some online help
If you want to report anything relating to child abuse or neglect, you can call 132 111 (TTY 1800 212 936), or go
If i missed anything or am misinformed about anything that i have written, please feel free to correct me.