Monday, August 17, 2009

I feel old.

My legs hurt if i stand for a long time, long being less then 5 minutes. And then they hurt for a long time after...

My feet hurt most of the time.

My head hurts almost always when im awake. More so when im at work...

I get heart burn sometimes, not a lot...

And lately, and this is the most concerning...

Im having trouble breathing... Like, i can't take deep breathes, AND i can't yawn properly. I can only half yawn, and i feel like an idiot cause i still continue to yawn...

I hate to think what it will be like when i am really old and all the old person ailments start happening...

I feel old.

Im only 24.

1 comment:

Missy said...

Wait until you hit 40!
Hope you feel better soon!